Picking Plectrums

I am very, perhaps inordinately, focused on tone right now, if that’s even possible. I harbor unpopular notions. I embrace amp modeling and technology. I only have two tube amps. (Peavey classic 4x10) (Kustom tuck and roll Silver Bass amp into matching 4x10 cab)

I rock the Fender Mustang IV, but even more often I rock the Fractal Audio AX8. I have cabinets and speakers that I rock at home, but there has been an evolution towards frfr speakers and array speakers that has completely changed the game. I have IEMs but I don’t even know if they work right now.

All this to say that I am super interested in improving my tone. I feel a weird type of something that I am sure must be a self-esteem issue of feeling like everybody has better tone than me! I’m working on it from both sides. But the biggest thing on my mind right now is the interface between my brain and the guitar, which is my fingers, thumb and plectrum.

I came from a different era where Big Stubbies and metal picks dominated my early years. I like big picks. I have big hands. I like using my hands the most. But that is how I play sitting down in private. Out in these streets I have a new plan.

I rock these wood picks from Revo Straps that are my all time favorite. The shape is better for the attack that I want. I like the mellow sound of the wood, but I also like the rigidity of the surface and their shape. Many picks that are wood are too thick or lack the proper edge to get the sound I want. These picks are a perfect blend of durability and tone. I have found nothing that comes close. Full disclosure, I go through a lot of these, but mostly only because I play on the river, outside in the weather, and often I forget to take everything out of my pockets and run them through a washing machine cycle. I do not recommend that type of harsh treatment. Otherwise, they remain sturdy and as they wear, they get even better, though they start off wonderfully, as well.

I am interested in finding stone plectrums that will give me a harsher attack, but that is mostly for wanting an effect or special sound occasionally.

As of right now, I’m interested in what other people think and believe about that interface to the guitar string being a specific material. Does amp modeling make you more interested in all of the minute decisions affecting attack like it does for me? (I feel that wood picks do a poor man’s compression with less presence than a thin pick and better feel) What picks do you use?!? What advice do you have for my tone? Hit me up, and let’s discuss in a format that is open, at your leisure, for topical communication and shared info. Thanks in advance.

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